Rice students, faculty and staff packed the Ley Student Center’s Farnsworth Pavilion on a festive night for “Mega Shabbat” Feb. 28. Hosted by Chabad a...

Rice Business hosted the 25th annual Women in Leadership Conference, a beacon of inspiration in the Houston community empowering women to accomplish t...

Rice’s Thomas Killian, dean of the Wiess School of Natural Sciences, calls for sustained research funding....

Rice chemist Angel Martí has been named a recipient of the Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s Robert Holland Jr. Award....

Rice junior Lucca Ferraz is living a dream as a finalist in the 2025 Big Data Bowl , the NFL’s premier sports analytics competition....

New research from Rice sheds light on a hidden downside of gig work....

The concert will feature the Shepherd School Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Jerry Hou, performing compositions that highlight the innovative voices ...

The four-day event will feature panels, exhibitions and workshops — all free and open to the public....

The Rice Biotech Launch Pad is launching a Rice Venture Creation Fellowship, a program providing recent doctoral graduates passionate about innovation...

Following a nationwide search, Rice has named alumnus John Lawrence as its new chief investment officer and president of Rice Management Co., effectiv...

It is with profound sadness that we acknowledge the passing of U.S. Rep. Sylvester Turner, a distinguished leader and cherished friend of Rice....

The Science and Technology Action Committee (STAC), a blue ribbon panel of leaders in science policy, launched “Vision for American Science and Techno...

Rice University launches bold climate change initiative with Shell
With initial support from Shell, Rice University has launched Carbon Hub, a climate change research initiative to fundamentally change how the world uses hydrocarbons. Carbon Hub's goal is a zero-emissions future in which hydrocarbons are not burned. Instead, they are split to make clean hydrogen energy and valuable carbon materials.

Newborn baby deaths in Africa targeted in $68M initiative
A new global health initiative with Rice University roots could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of babies.

Malawi study confirms lasting impact of life-saving technology
A new study finds Malawi made sustained improvements in the survival of babies with respiratory illness by adopting CPAP nationwide.

Reflections on the beloved community
Students from Rice’s Black Male Leadership Initiative convened in Herring Hall Sept. 9 to reflect on their five-day cultural excursion to Atlanta, sponsored by the Dean of Undergraduates and the Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance.

The Way I See It: Engineering healthy environments inside and outside the lab
Inspired by their professor, Rice bioengineering students find their mojo on the running track.

Physicists find first possible 3D quantum spin liquid
Rice physicists show cerium zirconium pyrochlore qualifies as the first possible 3D quantum spin liquid.

Feds fund creation of headset for high-speed brain link
A Rice University-led team of neuroengineers is developing nonsurgical headset technology for brain-to-brain communication "at the speed of thought."

Organ bioprinting gets a breath of fresh air
Bioengineers have cleared a major hurdle on the path to 3D printing replacement organs with a breakthrough technique for bioprinting tissues.

Vardi leading new initiative on technology, culture and society
Rice University computer scientist Moshe Vardi is speaking out about the unintended ills of information technology, and he is marshaling support to directly address them through a campuswide Initiative on Technology, Culture and Society.