⎯ By Debbie Heath
Special to Rice News

Fresh chamomile, marjoram and dianthus from Rice University’s holistic garden welcomed nearly 90 guests to the spring R-STEM Partners Collaborative Luncheon hosted by the Office of STEM Engagement (R-STEM). Held at the Ralph S. O’Connor Building for Engineering and Science, the biannual event draws engagement from STEM supporters, university faculty and staff, nonprofits, industry and school districts from across the greater Houston area.
R-STEM has been inspiring and empowering learners, educators and leaders to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape since 2006, and it offers more than 30 K-12 career programs. Now in its fourth year, the spring R-STEM Partners Collaborative Luncheon includes the unveiling of R-STEM’s summer student programs and teacher professional development offerings.
“The luncheon is our way to thank our partners, share ideas and form stronger partnerships between Rice University and the Houston community,” said Carolyn Nichol, executive director of R-STEM.
“Through innovative partnerships and transformative programming, R-STEM is redefining what is possible in STEM education,” said Matthew Cushing, R-STEM executive director. “By working alongside schools, universities, corporate partners and community organizations, we are shaping a future where curiosity sparks innovation, discovery drives progress and everyone has the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to science, technology, engineering and math.”
During the luncheon, R-STEM spelled out some of its success during the previous year.
- Served 43 districts through professional development and student programs.
- Provided more than 27 educational programs for K-12 teachers and students and undergraduates.
- Impacted more than 34,000 students, most of whom are in high-need school districts.
- Provided approximately 21,292 hours of K-12 STEM student programming.
- Logged approximately 18,824 hours of teacher professional development programming.

With cross-disciplinary support from the Betty and Jacob Friedman Holistic Garden at Rice, herbs and flowers adorned the tables at this year’s luncheon — a special gift for guests to take home. A hidden gem on the university’s campus, the garden serves as a model of sustainable urban agriculture and a site for interdisciplinary research, experiential education and community building for a variety of academic, extracurricular and volunteer programs.
“The garden is a place for all to learn, socialize, exercise and even relax. It’s a place where you can forget for a moment what’s happening outside the garden, come inside and enjoy everything the garden has to offer,” said Todd Walker, garden manager. Walker and Joseph Novak, faculty lecturer of biosciences and garden director, oversee programs and help cultivate all things grown in the garden. The garden also provides an opportunity to develop culinary skills. Novak and students have been known to harvest the garden’s produce and eggs from its chickens to take part in farm-to-table lessons that make for delicious salads and frittatas.
For more information on teacher and student programs offered by R-STEM, visit rstem.rice.edu. For more information on the holistic garden at Rice, visit garden.rice.edu.