STaRTing the school year right

Faculty presenter at STaRT

For the third year in a row, Rice’s School of Social Sciences held STaRT@Rice, an innovative program that provides a snapshot of the research process coupled with professionalization training. This year’s program, held on campus Oct. 6-9, was expanded to include academics and working professionals.

A variety of workshops were offered by Rice faculty to help participants learn how to ask better questions about the research process and develop skills they need to be successful in the academy and beyond. The sessions, which ranged from introductory to advanced levels, covered a broad range of content and allowed participants to choose topics matching their skill sets and backgrounds. This year a series of workshops within a health track were added to the event.

More information on STaRT@Rice is available at

Photos by Gustavo Raskosky.

Photo of School of Social Sciences Dean Rachel Kimbro
Dean of Social Sciences Rachel Kimbro welcomes participants to STaRT@Rice.
STaRT faculty presenter - 4
Miranda Waggoner, an associate professor of sociology, presents her research during the STaRT@Rice Research Relay.
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Shihan Shen, an assistant professor of economics, presents her research during the STaRT@Rice Research Relay.
Rice President Reggie DesRoches greets STaRT participants
Rice President Reggie DesRoches greets participants at STaRT@Rice.
STaRT faculty presenter - 3
Matthew Tyler, an assistant professor of political science, presents his research during the STaRT@Rice Research Relay.
Photo of audience at STaRT
STaRT@Rice participants listen to Research Relays presentations.