People, papers and presentations for June 13, 2022

people, papers, presentations

Zaochen Ye, a research scientist in the lab of Rice physicist Frank Geurts, received a prestigious Merit Award during the virtual annual users meeting of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and Alternating Gradient Synchrotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory held June 7-10. He was honored for “his dedication to STAR time-of-flight detector operation and calibration, and breakthrough analysis of dielectron continuous spectra related to the QGP (quark-gluon plasma) radiation.” Ye, who joined Rice in 2019, was one of four to receive the award.

Ambassador Edward Djerejian, who is retiring as director of Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy this month, will serve as a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Middle East Initiative this coming academic year. Djerejian will share with students his experience in the Middle East, reflect on lessons learned during his diplomatic career and explore options for resolving seemingly intractable conflicts in the region and beyond.
